When should I tell my boss I’m pregnant?

There are several schools of thought on when to tell your boss you're pregnant and it's going to be different for everyone (annoying answer, I know). It depends so much on your company culture, your values and concerns, and your career timeline. But to simplify it I'll break it down by 3 specific scenarios. 

woman working in an office, looking up like she is discussing something with a colleague out of the frame.

 Right away

If you talk to a lawyer they'll likely tell you to tell your boss basically when you see the double line on the pregnancy test. And that is because as soon as your boss/workplace knows you're pregnant you are legally protected. If you call in sick several days or if your productivity goes down because of your pregnancy they can't fire you or put you on a performance plan IF they know you're pregnant. But if they don't know, you aren't protected and neither is your job security. 


Once you're sharing the news publicly

Many women wait to share the news with friends and family until they are further along in their pregnancy. Some wait 12 weeks when the risk of miscarriage decreases significantly, others wait until the 18-week anatomy scan, and some wait for other reasons. You certainly can wait to tell your workplace until you've hit one of these milestones and feel comfortable sharing the news publicly, but remember you won't be protected by laws like the Pregnancy Discrimination Act until you disclose your pregnancy. 


When something is on the line

Often when women have a big promotion coming up or a significant career milestone that could be potentially affected by the news of your pregnancy it can be difficult to decide: share the news now or wait until after you've received the promotion? The most influential factor that comes into play here is your company culture. 

-What does your company culture tell you about this situation? 

-Are they supportive of working parents? 

-Has anyone else been in a similar situation in the past? How did it play out?

Take this into consideration and weigh the pros and cons of being protected legally versus anticipating the response to your pregnancy. I will always advise you to be safe and share your news as soon as you feel comfortable so you are protected. But I also understand some companies are still in the stone ages and will pass on a pregnant woman for a promotion simply because she's pregnant. You don't have to be the martyr. Protect yourself and your career. You owe them nothing.

When do you think it’s best to share the big news at work? Let me know on Instagram!

The Park helps parents-to-be navigate parental leave so they can max out their job-protected and paid leave, return to work feeling supported, and thrive as a working parent. We answer all your questions and give you all the tips and tricks you need to advocate for yourself on TikTok and Instagram, 1:1 consulting calls, and through our parental leave guides.


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